Sound Waves South West Music and Music Therapy Trust (SWSW) is an independent charity founded in 2000 by Judyth Gwynne and it became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO registered no: 1167138) in 2016. Its activities began in the Bude area and now extend throughout rural North Cornwall and into Devon.
The aims of SWSW are:
- To provide funding for Music Therapy for children in Special Schools in our area
- To provide a free loan of an orchestral instrument to children receiving tuition in the SWSW catchment area
- To run professional music Workshops in local schools giving children the opportunity to experience culturally diverse music
- To encourage young musicians by offering an Annual Award for Musical Achievement
SWSW relies totally on charitable support and we are very grateful to the national funding bodies who support us and the local organisations that arrange fund-raising events on our behalf. We are indebted to all our Friends and all individual supporters who enable us to carry on the valuable work.
Read more about our history.