Our scheme is set up to provide the loan of orchestral instruments to aspiring players living in our area. The loan is completely free, you just need to have regular professional tuition arranged whether at school or privately.
Loaners need to be prepared to collect instruments at the beginning of the loan and return them when they are no longer required.
The loan scheme was established initially to serve Bude and the surrounding area. It now has loaners across North and East Cornwall, Northwest and West Devon.
We now have an informal partnership with Okehampton Music Centre and are providing instruments for some of their students.
The scheme is funded in a number of ways: we receive many kind monetary donations from loaners which help to maintain and repair instruments. We also pursue funding from various charitable organisations to enable us to purchase new instruments and also support the scheme generally.
Who can borrow an instrument?
Anyone can borrow an instrument. The scheme is mainly aimed at children but under certain circumstances we will consider loaning to adults.
Our main stipulation is that loaners are receiving regular professional tuition on the instrument requested.
What instruments are available?
We have around 200 instruments in our inventory. These comprise:
- Strings: Violins and Cellos (from 1/8 size to full) and Violas of various sizes.
- Wind: Flutes (Twin or Curved Head and Straight), Clarinets and Alto Saxophones
- Classical Guitars of various sizes.
We have a few brass instruments too: please ask.
For those students that show the promise and commitment to progress to a more advanced level the ILS can endeavour to make superior quality instruments available.
If you don’t see an instrument here that you are interested in learning please contact us. We will consider requests for new instruments and attempt to source them subject to funds being available.
How can I get an instrument?
To initiate a loan please contact the ILS Coordinator, David Puddick.
By phone: 01566 781845
By email: ils@soundwaves-sw.co.uk
About donations
The loan of instruments is completely free, there is no hire charge, but our scheme relies on donations to allow us to pay for essential maintenance and repairs.
We do ask loaners if they are willing to make a donation when a loan commences or is renewed but there is no obligation to do so.
Many of our instruments have come to us through private donations. If you have an instrument you would like to donate please contact the ILS Coordinators.