Dr Rosie Richardson
Duncan Honeybourne
Janet (Jen) Ash
Clare Monro
Vice Chairman
Tony Philp
David Puddick
Jayne Ensell-Bowen
Sally McGuiness
Sam Kendrick
David Puddick
ILS Co-ordinator
NOTE: The Charity always welcomes new Trustees and Patrons. Anyone wishing to become a Trustees or a Patron should contact the Chairman, Janet Ash on 01288 331368
Music Therapists
Mike Hewitt
Mike qualified as a Clinical Music Therapist at the Roehampton Institute, London in 1994. He has over 15 years of experience...
James Tucker
James qualified as a Music Therapist in 2013 after completing an MA at the University of the West of England, Bristol. He...
Lucy Collings Pettit
Lucy Pettit qualified as a Music Therapist in 2012 after completing an MA in Music Therapy at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge....
Honorary Members
Mrs Heather Bolitho
Mr Tim Browning
Mrs Lucy Burrows
Mr Martin Cole
Mrs Ruth Compton
Mr John Goacher
Mr Hugh Monro
Mr Brian Tanner
Mr Rowly Pillman
Mrs Jessica Rance
Mrs Barbara Simpson
Mrs Jacki Stephens
Mr and Mrs Alan Swann
Mrs Jill Wellby
Supporters of SWSW can become Friends through a donation for as little as £12 per year, although if you can spare any more, it would be very gratefully received. You can download a form here.